About the Ministry
Ministry of Youth and Sports was established in 1984. Before that sports sector was dealt with in the Ministry of Sports and Culture while the youth sector was looked after by the Ministry of Labour and Manpower. After its creation, the Ministry of Youth and Sports has been dispensing its services for the development of the youth section of the population. At the same time, it looks after the upliftment of games and sports in the country. Following are the major activities of the Ministry.
The Ministry's major activities in sports sector relate to the organizations like National Sports Council (NSC), Bangladesh Olympic Association(BOA), Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protishtan(BKSP), and the Federations and Associations affiliated under the NSC. The ministry comes forward to the organizations with guidelines, policies, financial supports and necessary regulatory advice. It provides co-ordination role when other ministries and organizations are required to work on a common platform for any national or international event. Another organization is the Directorate of Sports which is a government department. It is directly linked with the Ministry for its activities in sports sector.
Ministry of Youth and Sports works as guardian to the Department of Youth Development which is the only implementing agency of government policies and programmes for the youth and has offices in 64 districts and 476 sub districts, and 60 institutional training centers throughout the country.
In some cases, the Ministry of Youth and Sports directly involves itself in the implementation process, such as distribution of National Youth Award and National Sports Award, extending financial support to genuinely needy athletes, helping the best performing youth clubs with financial supports and the like.
The Ministry of Youth and Sports is manned by cadre service personnel at the upper stages who work as Assistant Secretary, Senior Assistant Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Joint Secretary and Secretary. There is no post of Additional Secretary in this ministry. Postings are made by the Ministry of Establishment. Non-cadre class-II posts are filled up by promotion from among the stenographers, accountants, office assistant-cum-computer operators who form the contingent of helping hands for the cadre-officers.
Minister/Minister of State is the Chief Executive of the Ministry. He is helped by the Secretary who is the Principal Accounting Officer of the Ministry and is responsible for day-to-day administration of the Ministry. At present the Ministry of Youth and Sports has 19 class-I, 16 class-II, 19 class-III and 17 other officials working under it.
The ministry gets its yearly budget allocation from the national budget. Its revenue expenditure comes from the ministry of Finance after the budget is approved by the parliament, while the development expenditure is provided by the Ministry of Finance after the development plan is approved by the Ministry of Planning.
Ministry of Youth and Sports carry out the project activities in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning, Economic Relations Division (ERD), Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Division(IMED), Ministry of Finance, and the like. It works with national and international development partners. When it comes to a question of international communication it seeks help from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Legal points are discussed with Ministry of Law and Justice. Ministry of Establishment helps this ministry in the matter of personnel administration.
The Ministry has an obligation to present statements of its activities to the parliament and its committees. There is a standing committee of 10 members in the parliament for the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The ministry has to work in close touch with the Parliament Secretariat as well as its standing committee.
নাটেশ্বের ইউনিয়নের ক্রীয়া সংগঠন নামের তালিকা
১। ধৃবতারা সংঘ ক্লাব।
২। সূর্য মুখী ক্লাব।
৩। টাইগার ইস্পটিং ক্লাব।
৪। বধন সংঘ ক্লাব।
৫। বন্ধু মহল ইস্পটিং ক্লাব।
পরিকল্পনা ও বাস্তবায়নে: মন্ত্রিপরিষদ বিভাগ, এটুআই, বিসিসি, ডিওআইসিটি ও বেসিস